Impacting the world through personalised truths,shining the spotlight on every human from every part of the globe Making all humans feel seen,heared and noticed with the simple idea of revealing only vital informations that changes how we navigate our daily lives, We offer groundbreaking secured anonymous network that empowers everyone,everywhere with the absolute light they need in navigating their lives without doubts or fear of the unknown ,enabling all humans to handle situations and other life matters better just because they know better now, having young minds abstain from ignorance of any sort.

Do you seek the




Daily Increase On Our users.

People Are Now Enriching Their Minds.



Of Human race Is Wallowing in ignorance.

we join hands with the general public in fighting all sorts of abuse,injustice and other forms of false approach in our daily lives bit by bit with your cooperation. without any prejudice as women but as human beings in general we strongly stand with "Human Rights Watch Inc.,Anti-Slavery International, Global Grassroots,The International Rescue Committee, (JICA), Equality Now,Smile Foundation,The Centre for Human Rights,UNICEF, Amnesty International,Pro Mujer,Asia-Ajar,Memorial,Protection International,World Pulse"

Virtual,Discrete and Anonymous


Swift,Unbound and Thorough


Rare,Unique and Classified.

The Circle

The Enlightened Circle is a subsidiary of "The Good Mothers" a circle of spiritualist women from around the world,from the early times before technology,the enlightened sister's from over two thousand six hundred different cultures round the world,on a profound journey to answer life's deepest questions connecting simultaneously through their dreams as it's the safety human network that has ever existed since humanity began, Individuals from far and wide are drawn to The Enlightened Circle through different means seeking answers to their deepest questions. Some come seeking guidance on matters of love and relationships, others seek clarity on their life's purpose and direction. There are those who yearn to connect with departed loved ones, and others who seek healing for wounds of the past.

  • Perhaps you don’t feel very confident that you will see the truth: you can start by asking the circle to tell you how many siblings you have got or if your parents are still alive or late.
  • The scariest thing in this world is you never know someone’s true intentions with you : but the good news is that we are always here for you to tell you their exact intentions towards you, you don't need to be confused for years in a relationship, marriage or business project.
  • in case you don't know yet : knowing the truth but watching attentively as people lie to you is actually a superpower in this infomative century.
  • The Handulah

    Every response from every analysis carried out by the entire circle gets transmitted to a "HANDULLA",this is basically like an intercessor or an intermediator between regular People and the entire circle, the handulla understands your request and repackages it in a way it will have meaning to the circle
    in other to fully comprehend a request and deliver the appropriate feedback to the end user through the assistant of a handulla support

  • Can there be more than one HANDULAH?: No,only one HANDULAH gets chosen to exist at a time among the Sisters Circle,due to the special role of a HANDULAH and the responsibilities and commitments that comes with being one.
    but Regular People can become Circle Agents on their free wil,regardless of gender or ethnicity
  • Whats the difference between the HANDULAH and a Circle Agent (CA) : The major difference remains that circle agents are mainly students or Individuals from different parts of the world with knowledge of how the network works and are willing to assist lesser informed people get the most out of the network for a fee,after which they reach out to HANDULAH with their recipients details and questions but Circle agents doesn't have any direct access to the circle,they're just Individuals with an extra means of income
  • Who Can Become A Circle Agent(CA) : Any Honest Individual with access to internet and a stable mobile device or pc can start their Journey as a circle agent and earn a living,the more reliable You’re as a circle agent (CA) the more profit you earn from your audience.
  • Is there a particular rate A Circle Agent(CA) should charge their audience : we don't interfer in a circle agent's personal matters,a CA has the right to charge their audience as they wish but the official network rates remains same for users that comes direct to the app.

Finding the truth is hard,but don’t give up.

You are not paranoid you are not delusional, you are not insecure or overreacting for thinking the way you do.

anyone that says otherwise just bring their name to the sister's circle let's look deep and find out what they're hiding.


Deep Scan DNA Analysis

This might not be a popular opinion but as fellow women we can tell for sure that asking a woman for a DNA test of your children would upset not just her but anyone in her shoes wether the person is a faithful partner or not this is because relationships are meant to be built on trust and without it there's no point at all, but this isn't the case with the world we live in today, humans just find it confortable using people till they're don't need them anymore,then they dish them off. READ MORE>> That is why we are here to assist you in having a better future for yourself and your family by discreetly, anonymously and virtually clarifying you on the DNA Truth you need about your family and children without raising any alarms at all after which we advise you check with the help of a trusted doctor too,
she already knows she's their mother for sure but can you bet on your life they're your's for real too? isnt that concerning?and considering she's the faithful type you should know that love grows when you don't know why someone loves you but you sure know they just do but if the reverse is to be the case we also suggest you handle tough truths like a brave human being that you've proven to be by seeking truths and not deciding to wallow in the dark

Relationship Analysis

Discover relationship secrets: infidelity, cheating, lies, Trust, Financial issues, Communication, Trauma, Arguments, Behavioral issues, Fake relationship, Lack of time,Abuse and many more,its only fair to treat people with kindess and sincerity especially when you know they deserve better and will do same for you but thats not just the case with this Era, same people you tell your life stories and the amount of pain you have been through takes their time rebrands the same pain and dishes it to you in a grand style and play victim through out.

Life's Purpose Discovey Analysis

Do you feel like you haven't found your life Purpose yet?like you are still behind somewhere with your purpose, Like you need a redirection,Even after all the degree's,Marriage,Children, New car, New Homes and stable Finance you thought would bring fulfilment yet you still feel some emptiness within your soul somewhere,come lets assist you in looking with a deeper lense, get to know why you were born in the first place,what are God's Plans for you,what problem you were sent to solve for humanity and your family in general and where you should begin..

Business partnerships Analysis

Are you a public figure trying to go into business or partnerships that requires extreme amount of trust?are you a public figure with insterest of promoting other businesses and brands but afraid of tampering with your audience trusts and loyalty? We can carry all the burden of doing background check on them to know whether they're what they're currently promising you in the partnership or not. Don't be fast to judge them so you don't lose a potential client,leave their loyalty to us to decide,so your one mistake doesnt get to ruin your years of hardwork,we can help you avoid avoidable mistakes.

Future Life Plans Analysis

Let us find out if your future life plans are going to come to pass. Know whether you need to change your plans or handle some things differently.

Marital Compatibility Analysis

Are you planning to marry? Find out if your partner is the right one for you. Making a mistake in marriage is part of the worst thing you should never do.

Family and Friends wellbeing Analysis

Are your family and friends in a very far place and you havent heard from them in days or you have lost contacts? Find out their well-being..

Message To And From A late Family/Friend

Do you have questions you couldn't ask your lost ones before they passed away? We can help you pass the message across and get some vital informations back to you from them in no time..

Property Ownership Analysis

Are you planning on purchasing a property but worried of being scammed or closing a deal with the false owners, we can handle that for you in no time and give you essential details on neccessary informations they're not telling you or better still confirm if you're dealing with the rightful owners.

Married Persion Analysis

Have you been wondering if the person you're involved with is married or not,we can scan through from here in no time and tell you.

Missing person's Whereabouts Analysis

Is your friend, family member or loved one missing? Let's find their whereabaouts, if they are already dead or still alive somewhere, if they are under a spell and with great cooperation we could get you their exact location in no time or redirect their way back home.


New Brand investment Analysis

The adage "failing to prepare is preparing to fail" holds true in the world of business and risky deals. Discover the Truth and secrets behind a business deal you want to sign up for,Theres many factors that can jeopardise the succes rate of a businesses, starting from the people your run it with and the location planning joined with its timing so lets assist you in avoiding avoidable mistakes ontime.

Parental Issue Analysis

Get answers about any parental issues like: Substance abuse, Aggressive child, Sibling rivalry, Lack of empathy and respect, withdrawal of affection and attention and many more,We are always Here to guide you on how to understand your siblings and parents better to help build a peaceful atmosphere between you all, Your best interest is our greatest concern, most times its the little things we fail to learn about a person that makes us misunderstand them alot.

Blackmail Threats Analysis

In case a random person or someone you are familiar with is threatening you with blackmail or anything of sort, come to us we will sleep over it and find out who they are and what they know and if they're actually very serious about it or just kidding,don't let fear of minor things we can handle for you have your mind racing.

Study Choices Analysis

Get to know if your study choices are meant for you. Don't go into the wrong career path just to look back later in the years and realise you have slowly became those elderly people you detest so much roaming about with documents and unwated certificate.

Partners Health

Ever stuck in a situation you really want to have something with someone but you're not very confident of their health status especiallyif they haven't been around for a while and no time to start going for lab test at that point, there's absolutely nothing to worry about it only takes minutes for us to get you the details you need regarding your new friend all from the confort of where ever you are reaching from, to speed up the accuracy of your request you can tell us what to look for in their health life.

Spiritual Attacks Analysis

Are You someone that's been having any form of spiritual attack and you haven't been able to speak to anyone about just so you dont look insane or possessed to them ? Feel Free to Come to us we are always ready to give you an upper hand on the situation, look through a deeper lens and find as much help as we can. Remember,your informations are highly secured and not stored anywhere..

Miscellaneous Analysis

Have you been wondering if that particular sibling or friend is depressed?, or a lesbian/gay,if that friend/family or random stranger is actually guilty of the thing they are being accused of or if someone is financially stable/struggling?,mentally sane?, if that social media vendor or property agent is legit or not, if that nanny has been treating your kids well? If that nightmare was just a dream or something serious?, if your partner has taken the kids for DNA test behind your back, if someone is actually going to come through with their promise?, if that current leader or head of group is embezzling you alls money or resources,if theres a rat among you alls cliques or cartel. READ MORE>> Just let us sleep over it because you deserve to know the truth. If that pregnancy you're being accused of - is actually yours, if that baby she's seeking child support for is actually yours - trust us we will track the baby back to the right spot he or she was concieved and know the gist behind it all, if that one person is actually crushing on you or just being nice or trying to take advantage of you, if you would actually end up marrying a wealthy person with your current character/attitudes - we are assuring to help you find out so you can still handle things better on time,grief and regret is a foolish persons therapist.

Privacy Protection

This is a serverless website, your information are highly secured and not stored anywhere. We don't have any social media or email account of any sort aside SNAPCHAT:@handulah. Please avoid any form of impersonation,We are only promising to handle anyone that harrases or abuses you on our behalf on any platform or in person this excludes when you ignorantly fall victim to petty scams of any sort of impersonations,this is our only official network and will never ask for your personal details.

How It Works

Text handulah with your desired service name

Drop your Real Name And Questions

Make Payment to the details provided by Handulah

Wait For Your Unique Id From Handulah

With your Unique Id Assigned to you by handulah

Check Back Every one to 12 hours for your Results.

We are very open minded,you can always drop your opinions about a service we should add, but not politics or gamble related ,we respect the Government of any country our users is from and we are not into guess work, what we deliver is facts and its bad for politics and the betting companies,succes matters but so does how you achieved it,we cant be part of hindering any working system that was built on years of hard work for a few pennies and dollars and somethings are better left the way it is,our main purpose is to make sure humanity is safe and treated fairly by solving real world problems not become one.

What You Think Matters To Us

Burning the bridge between
Informations and ignorance

Premium service users gets a personalized assistant to communicate with them for a limited time,after the limited time of the conversation be it a day,week, month it gets terminated alongside with every details on it except you wish to keep yours which is actually Up to you as the user to decide.
"Quality information is everything,what you don't know you just don't know, and it's what most people know that you don't know that differentiates you from people you wish to be like"

Premium Services ✅

Bullshit Free Month✅
Bullshit Free week✅
Bullshit Free Day✅

Depending on what Plan You’re On you also get the priviledge to be on the list of premium anonymous users that gets to text handulah with any personal related assistance they need and get instant support,and get alerted on any unplanned event coming their way for the period of time their subscription covers

Big Risk Deal Analysis✅

You’re involved in extremely risky Line of work and have need for alway being two steps ahead?

Cartel Rat Analysis✅

Think there's a rat in your organisation but don't know who exactly? and dont want to Point fingers wrongly?just come we will tell you who,how and why its the one we told you

Shipment Safety Analysis✅

Do you have Big shipment on the way or about to place some but curious on the delivery sucess?just reach out we will tell you whats going to happen till it gets to its last destination

Multi-Mill Invest Analysis ✅

You’re about going into a Multi-Million investment with anybody or organisation but curious of what the outcome might be,worry less

Whole Family DNA✅

just incase you're curious if all your chidren are actually yours or someone else's, READ MORE>> reach out and we will Discretly run a DNA on all of them by looking througha deeper lense with just their names and tell you which of them are your's and the ones that aren't yours after which you can double check with the help of any trusted hospital and confirm,upon any false result you get from us we refund you in full

Long illness Analysis✅

Have you or any of your parents,loved ones or friends been battling a disease or disorder for years and READ MORE>> the hospitals has given up on them?reach out to the circle we could look through a deeper lense and see if its something ordinary or not,most times most illness are curses from beyond human territories

Soccer/Betting Analysis❌ NOT ALLOWED

Elections &Political Results Analysis ❌ NOT ALLOWED EVEN IN PREMIUM PLANS


Generational curse Analysis✅

do you think there's been a pattern in your family lineage you don't like but still can't seem to break off READ MORE>> the pattern,when you reach out we could look through a depper lense to see if its a curse or something more discipline could help you break out of

kidnapped Family or Friend Analysis✅

Was any of your family or friends kidnapped and you don't know what to do or where to start going about it? READ MORE>> just reach out we can tell if the hostage location is trackable from your location or if the kidnappers will actually let the hostage go if you pay the ransom and we can also tell if the hostage was abducted by a familiar face you or anyone around you knows

Very Big court case Analysis✅

have you been wasting fortunes on a court case and it doesn't seem to end? READ MORE>> come we wil look through a deeper lense and know if anyone is being bribed and if the circle can actually close the case from here

Stolen Property or Shipment Analysis✅
Cause of a Sudden death of a Familyor friend analysis✅

did you lose a close friend or relative and something tells you their demise wasn't natural,reach out and we will tell you what happened and how it happened

Do you think a black or other skin colored man or woman is being accused or convicted wrongly of a crime anywhere in the world?

we can tell exactly if the Individual involved is guilty or innocent of the alleged alligations and what the accusers motives are

Why Millions From Round the Globe Discretly Rely on The Network Everyday.

Assist You Solve Complex Life Puzzles In No Time

DIscreteness is ours,Say less

The Circle Keeps You Anonymous While Providing You With Exclusive Informations

being feminine doesn't make One Weak